Chain of Command : un village français en 1940 ..

Il y a quelques jours Luc et moi avons joué une rencontre en France, 1940. Les règles de ce jeu d’histoire avec figurines étaient Chain of Command, avec, comme d’habitude, des figurines 10mm Pendraken.  ( d’autres parties ici << )

Several days ago Luc came to play a small encounter in France, 1940. Using the miniatures rules Chain of Command and 10mm minis from Pendraken, as usual. ( more games here << )


( The village. Luc's british came in front of my germans )

( The village. Luc’s british came in front of my germans )

Le village.Les britanniques de Luc approchent en face de mes soldats allemands.

( Luc quickly sent a platoon on my left, trying to seize a jump off point on my flank )

( Luc quickly sent a platoon on my left, trying to seize a jump off point on my flank )

Luc envoie rapidement un platoon sur ma gauche dans l’espoir de saisir un de mes Jump Off Point.
Comme d’habitude Luc a de la chance aux dés.Trop de chance ? .. Un incendie se déclare dans l’église !

( as usual, Luc was very lucky with the dice. Too lucky ? He hot an event .. a fire started in the church ! )

( As usual, Luc was very lucky with the dice. Too lucky ? He got an event .. a fire started in the church ! )

Ses hommes sont maintenant isolés de leurs propres lignes !Le feu se répand dans le sens du vent (cf. le dé de direction) tandis que j’ouvre le feu sur eux.

( His men were now isolated from their own lines ! )

( His men were now isolated from their own lines !  The smoke followed the wind, as I opened fire.)

( a large smoke cut the board )

( a large smoke cut the board )

Une longue colonne de feu et de fumée coupe maintenant le terrain.

( My left platton - sorry, no pic - counterattacked and the british fled )

( My left platton – sorry, no pic – counterattacked and the british fled )

Mon platoon de gauche contre-attaque – désolé, pas de photo – et ces britanniques fuient.
Luc utilise son observateur d’artillerie pour diriger des tirs qui couvrent sa retraite en dehors du village, tandis que mes hommes progressent.

( Luc used his F.O. to cover his retreat outside of the village, while my men advanced )

( Luc used his F.O. to cover his retreat outside of the village, while my men advanced )

( I was tired - we played during the week - and we decided it was over, Luc took many casulaties and was not able to win anymore )

( I was tired – we played during the week – so we decided it was over, Luc took many casulaties and was not able to win anymore )

J’étais assez fatigué – nous avons joué en semaine – aussi avons nous décidé que la partie était terminée, Luc ne pouvant plus gagner.

 Victoire !

( mineure, mais Victoire quand même !) Je crois bien que c’est la 1ere fois que j’arrive à battre les soldats anglais de Luc ! 🙂 Je n’ai pas eu de malchance aux dés, et Luc a fait une erreur en envoyant ses hommes sur ma gauche, isolés.

Victory ! A minor victory, but a victory ! I think it was the 1st time I won against the english soldiers ! 🙂 I didn’t have bad dice for once, and Luc made a mistake on my left, sending his men alone.

Merci de m’avoir lu ! Thank you for reading !


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